首页 > python 中 "if x is not None" 和 "if not x is None" 有什么区别?

python 中 "if x is not None" 和 "if not x is None" 有什么区别?

google 的 python 风格指南中这么说:

Beware of writing if x: when you really mean if x is not None:—e.g., when testing whether a variable or argument that defaults to None was set to some other value. The other value might be a value that's false in a boolean context!

也就是说,推荐使用 if x is not None 进行判断,but why?

x is not None的操作码:

dis.dis('if x is not None: pass')
     0 LOAD_NAME               0 (x)
     3 LOAD_CONST              0 (None)
     6 COMPARE_OP              9 (is not)
     9 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE       15
    12 JUMP_FORWARD            0 (to 15)
>>  15 LOAD_CONST              0 (None)

if not x is None的操作码:

dis.dis('if not x is None: pass')
     0 LOAD_NAME                0 (x)
     3 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
     6 COMPARE_OP               9 (is not)
     9 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE       15
    12 JUMP_FORWARD             0 (to 15)
>>  15 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)


个人意见,if x is not Noneif not x is None更加易读,毕竟英语当中有一个 isn't 呢。


x = False
if x:
    print 'yes'
    print 'no'

你得到会是 no ,其实 x 已经被改变了,但仍然是False

if not x is Noneif x is not None 结果是一样的。

if not x is None => if not (x is None)
if x is not None => if x (is not) None

内容和标题不符,if xif not x is None 是不一样的。

if x 会对x做 __nonzero__ 判断,当 x 为 ''(空字符串),{}(空字典), 0 的时候都是 False。当你确实要判断一个变量不是 None 的时候,应该用 if x is not None

至于 if not x is Noneif x is not None 是一样的,选一个你读的顺的就好。


if not x is Noneif x is not None 對計算機而言是一樣的。對人類而言是不一樣的。


前者更接近白话文,而后者有可能使读者误解为if (not x) is None.
