首页 > .NET Remoting on Mono: Uri already in use

.NET Remoting on Mono: Uri already in use


Ubuntu 13.10, 64-bit
Mono JIT compiler version
I have an application developed in VS 2008 that uses .NET remoting. We are trying to run this on Ubuntu/Ubuntu Kylin now, but I am receiving the following error.


    //RemotingConfiguration.Configure(Application.ExecutablePath + ".config", false);该行Mono Migration Analyzer检测不过
RemotingConfiguration.Configure(Application.ExecutablePath + ".config");
//RemotingConfiguration.CustomErrorsMode = CustomErrorsModes.Off;该行Mono Migration Analyzer检测不过 
// Create and marshal an object for remote invocation.
_RemotingServer = new RemotingServer();
_RemotingServer.KeepAliveClient = new delClientInfo(KeepAliveClient);
_RemotingServer.AddClient = new delClientInfo(AddClient);
_RemotingServer.RemoveClient = new delClientInfo(RemoveClient);
obj = RemotingServices.Marshal(this._RemotingServer, "RemotingServer");

causing exception:
System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException: Uri already in use:

 <!--Remoting 设置-->
        <customErrors mode="off"/>

                <wellknown mode="Singleton" objectUri="RemotingServer" type="EquipsLib.RemotingServer,EquipsLib" />

                <channel name="MyChannel" port="8090" ref="http">
                        <provider ref="wsdl"/>
                        <formatter ref="binary" typeFilterLevel="Full"/>
                        <formatter ref="binary"/>

Any ideas on this problem? Thanks!
