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django1.8 MySQL中文输入乱码

(1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax;
check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for 
the right syntax to use near 'a.txn_id=b.dict_id and  
(b.dict_name like '%\xe5\x86\xb2\xe6\xad\xa3' 
or b.dict_name like '%\xe9\x80\x80\xe8\xb4\xa7' at line 1")


 cursor = connection.cursor()
                "select (select c.org_name from sys_org c where c.mid=a.mid and c.id like %s) as org_name,"+
                "a.pan,a.txn_amt,(select d.dict_name from sys_dict d where d.dict_type='sys_tran_appl' and  a.appl_id=d.dict_id) as appl_name,"+
                "b.dict_name,a.txn_date,a.txn_time "+
                "from trans a,sys_dict b"+
                "where a.txn_id=b.dict_id and  (b.dict_name like %s or b.dict_name like %s) "+
                "and and CONCAT(txn_date,' ',txn_time) between %s and %s "+
                "order by CONCAT(txn_date,' ',txn_time) desc ",
                [user.sys_org_id + "%",u'%冲正',u'%退货',min_datetime, max_datetime]
            cursor.execute("SET NAMES 'utf8'; ")
            fetchall = cursor.fetchall()