首页 > 请问大家 js中有没有什么简单的方法比较两个对象是否相等

请问大家 js中有没有什么简单的方法比较两个对象是否相等

如题 就像下面的两个
objA={ a:'123', b:'456' };

objB={ a:'123', b:'000' };

很明显不等 应该返回false 求解答

用 objA == objB 啊,或者 objA === objB 也行,都返回false;


简单的办法就是 JSON.stringify(obj_a) === JSON.stringify(obj_b);
但是注意 1) obj_a(b)中不能有环。
2) 性能比较差

其实这个事情还真的不太简单的,可以看一下 underscore.js 的是如何实现的:


所以对于楼主的问题,答案就是没有简单的办法比较,除非用别人写好的,underscore.js 有一万多 star,值得信赖。

两个对象都JSON.stringify 然后进行字符串比较

传送门: https://github.com/wh1100717/localDB/blob/develop/src/core/utils.coffe...

coffeeisEqual = (a, b) -> eq(a, b, [], [])
eq = (a, b, aStack, bStack) ->
        return a isnt 0 or 1 / a is 1 / b if a is b
        return false if a is null and b is undefined
        return false if a is undefined and b is null
        className = toString.call(a)
        return false if className isnt toString.call(b)
        switch className
            when "[object RegExp]" then return "" + a is "" + b
            when "[object String]" then return "" + a is "" + b
            when "[object Number]"
                return +b isnt +b if +a isnt +a
                return if +a is 0 then 1 / +a is 1 / b else +a is +b
            when "[object Date]" then return +a is +b
            when "[object Boolean]" then return +a is +b
        areArrays = className is "[object Array]"
        if not areArrays
            return false if typeof a isnt "object" or typeof b isnt "object"
            aCtor = a.constructor
            bCtor = b.constructor
            return false if (aCtor isnt bCtor) and not (Utils.isFunction(aCtor) and aCtor instanceof aCtor and Utils.isFunction(bCtor) and bCtor instanceof bCtor) and ("constructor" of a and "constructor" of b)
        length = aStack.length
        while length--
            return bStack[length] is b if aStack[length] is a
        if areArrays
            size = a.length
            result = size is b.length
            if result
                while size--
                    break if not (result = eq(a[size], b[size], aStack, bStack))
            keys = Utils.keys(a)
            size = keys.length
            result = Utils.keys(b).length is size
            if result
                while size--
                    key = keys[size]
                    break if not (result = Utils.has(b, key) and eq(a[key], b[key], aStack, bStack))
        return result