首页 > 一个js继承问题,想不明白啊



function Outer() {
    this.a = 1;

function Inner() {

var outer = new Outer();
Inner.prototype = outer;
var inner = new Inner();

inner.a += 1;
console.log(inner.a, outer.a);


function Outer() {
    this.data = {
        a: 1

function Inner() {

var outer = new Outer();
Inner.prototype = outer;
var inner = new Inner();

inner.data.a += 1;
console.log(inner.data.a, outer.data.a);





另外在你的示范代码中的继承方法其实是有问题的:假设你的Outer内部如果有dom操作行为,那么在继承的时候,由于你实例化了Outer,代码就会被执行,而这次操作是错误的。可以参考 javascript设计模式书中的继承方法, 点击这里,同时它解释了这个方法最后三行的含义,我觉得很好。





var data = inner.data; 

並沒有對 inner 進行任何賦值操作,只是對 inner.data 進行了 GetValue。

inner.a 在不同上下文當中,含義有差異,主要體現在

inner.a = ...



c.d += bc.d = c.d + b 的縮寫,其中 c.d 的位置必須是一個 LeftHandSideExpression。

然而 c.d + b 中的 c.dc.d = ... 中的 c.d 是不同的,比如這裏 c.d 是一個 PropertyReferance,

c.d + b 會對 c.d 進行 GetValue,從而遍歷 c 的原型鏈尋找 屬性名爲 "d" 的值

c.d = ... 則會對 c 的屬性 "d" 賦值,而 c 又不存在屬性 d,因此創建了新屬性,名爲 d

至於 c.d.e 當中的 c.d,則始終會被 GetValue,即便是 c.d.e = ... 也仍舊是訪問了原型鏈上的 c.d


MemberExpression . IdentifierName is identical in its behaviour to

MemberExpression [ <identifier-name-string> ]

The production MemberExpression : MemberExpression [ Expression ] is
evaluated as follows:

Let baseReference be the result of evaluating MemberExpression. Let
baseValue be GetValue(baseReference)
. Let propertyNameReference be the
result of evaluating Expression. Let propertyNameValue be
GetValue(propertyNameReference). Call CheckObjectCoercible(baseValue).
Let propertyNameString be ToString(propertyNameValue). If the
syntactic production that is being evaluated is contained in strict
mode code, let strict be true, else let strict be false. Return a
value of type Reference
whose base value is baseValue and whose
referenced name is propertyNameString, and whose strict mode flag is
strict. The production CallExpression : CallExpression [ Expression ]
is evaluated in exactly the same manner, except that the contained
CallExpression is evaluated in step 1.

加粗的操作就是導致這一區別的關鍵,使得 c.d.e 中的 c.d 在任何上下文中都有相同的含義,而單純的 c.dc.d + bc.d = ... 中有了區別。


The production AssignmentExpression : LeftHandSideExpression =
AssignmentExpression is evaluated as follows:

Let lref be the result of evaluating LeftHandSideExpression. Let rref
be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression. Let rval be
. Throw a SyntaxError exception if the following
conditions are all true: Type(lref) is Reference is true
IsStrictReference(lref) is true Type(GetBase(lref)) is Environment
Record GetReferencedName(lref) is either "eval" or "arguments" Call
PutValue(lref, rval). Return rval. NOTE When an assignment occurs
within strict mode code, its LeftHandSide must not evaluate to an
unresolvable reference. If it does a ReferenceError exception is
thrown upon assignment. The LeftHandSide also may not be a reference
to a data property with the attribute value {[[Writable]]:false}, to
an accessor property with the attribute value {[[Set]]:undefined}, nor
to a non-existent property of an object whose [[Extensible]] internal
property has the value false. In these cases a TypeError exception is

而 PutValue 中:

Else if IsPropertyReference(V), then If HasPrimitiveBase(V) is false,
then let put be the [[Put]] internal method of base, otherwise let put
be the special [[Put]] internal method defined below. Call the put
internal method using base as its this value, and passing
GetReferencedName(V) for the property name
, W for the value, and
IsStrictReference(V) for the Throw flag.

可見賦值的時候並不會像 GetValue 時那樣進行原型鏈尋址,而是直接修改了外層對象。

bumfod 正解!

data 是对象,对象是引用类型

javascript中的继承,归根结底 就是 对象的赋值引用;

第一段中 a 只是 Number 类型,赋值是按 按值传递的;

第二段中 data 是 Object 类型, 赋值是 按共享传递的;

按共享传递的 可以理解为 按安全指针传递,安全指针不能去解除引用和改变对象,但可以去修改该对象的属性值。


function Outer() {
    this.data = {
        a: 1
    this.data2 = {
        a: 1

function Inner() {

var outer = new Outer();
Inner.prototype = outer;
var inner = new Inner();

inner.data.a += 1;//这种情况 inner.data === outer.data 为 true
inner.data2 = {a:2};//这种情况 inner.data2 === outer.data2 为 false
console.log(inner.data === outer.data,inner.data.a, outer.data.a);
console.log(inner.data2 === outer.data2,inner.data2, outer.data2);

不知道你能不能理解,具体可以看下 javascript 的 赋值策略
