首页 > windows下安装npm提示 Couldn't install optional dependency

windows下安装npm提示 Couldn't install optional dependency

安装了nodejs5.0,在windows命令行运行npm update,提示:

$ npm update
npm WARN install Couldn't install optional dependency: Unsupported



The warning message is just a warning message and not an error. It does not affect the application.

It is a log message that an optional dependency could not be installed because it is not supported/needed on your current platform/cpu-arch. For example the package fsevents is often used as optional dependency but fails on any system that is not a Mac.

To show what package is throwing this message, run

$ npm install --verbose

This warning could also be triggered by packages having an engine set to something lower than what you are running. You can try

$ pm_config_engine_strict=false npm install

to get around this
