首页 > Vim在折行(Wrap line)前能否显示行号?

Vim在折行(Wrap line)前能否显示行号?


set wrap
set linebreak


set cpo+=n
set showbreak==>


If you want Vim to show display lines, not the actual, physical lines, that's not possible. It also doesn't make sense, since no movement command except gj / gk works on display lines, and you cannot use them in :[range].

If you want wrapped/broken lines to actually be new lines, why don't you actually make them new lines?

gqq reformats the current paragraph using the textwidth settting
To get automatic formatting going:

set fo=tcrwa textwidth=80
Now, whenever you're type your text will wrap around. On auto-wrap, a trailing space is left on the previous line indicating it isn't the end of a paragraph yet.

Vim line numbers on display lines

