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request.getParameterMap() 锁

我是java程序员,java中取到页面所有的参数方式为: request.getParameterMap(),但是这个取得的Map不能存放值进去,除非

    • 解锁map

    • @param map2

    • @throws Exception

    1. void releaseLock(Map<String, String[]> map2) throws Exception {

         java.lang.reflect.Method method = map2.getClass().getMethod("setLocked",new Class[]{boolean.class});
         method.invoke(map2,new Object[]{new Boolean(false)});




    As you've noted HttpServletRequest does not have a setParameter method. This is deliberate, since the class represents the request as it came from the client, and modifying the parameter would not represent that.
