首页 > Перевод typecho на русский язык

Перевод typecho на русский язык

Здравствуйте, я перевожу typecho на русский язык.
Не получается переключить его на другой язык, как переключаться между языками?

Hello, I am translating typecho into Russian.
It is impossible to switch it to another language, how to switch between languages?


Yes, just follow these steps

  1. Check out the latest source code from https://github.com/typecho/typecho
  2. Find the pot file in ./usr/langs/messages.pot, and open it by Poedit or other software.
  3. Finish your translation and save it as ru_RU.po. A file names ru_RU.mo will be generated automatically.
  4. Go to your typecho general settings page (http://your-typecho-site/admin/options-general.php), and you will find the "language option" before "timezone option".


There is a special word lang in translation list, just translate it to your language name. For example русский.
