首页 > 在github commit message 中输入类似 fix #1 (fixed#1,fixes#2 ...)的语句有什么区别?

在github commit message 中输入类似 fix #1 (fixed#1,fixes#2 ...)的语句有什么区别?


第一篇: github blog 在文章最后有这么一段:

Didn't know about this feature? You can use any of these keywords to close an issue via commit message:

close, closes, closed, fixes, fixed All of them work the same, including this behavior.

第二篇: github help在文章的第二段有以下解释:

When you enter "Fixes #45" into a commit message, issue #45 is closed once that commit is merged into your default branch. If the bug isn't fixed to your default branch, the issue remains open. Once the commit with the fix is merged into your default branch, the issue is automatically closed.


这几种写法都是可以的, 效果一样 都是合并到默认分支之后自动关闭该issue
