首页 > chrome的timeline的问题?



Stalled : Finish Loading
RequestSent : 请求发送时间


帮助文档的话,官方链接 https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/network#resource-network-timing



Time the request spent waiting before it could be sent. This time is
inclusive of any time spent in proxy negotiation. Additionally, this
time will include when the browser is waiting for an already
established connection to become available for re-use, obeying
Chrome's maximum six TCP connection per origin rule.

Proxy Negotiation

Time spent negotiating with a proxy server connection.

DNS Lookup

Time spent performing the DNS lookup. Every new domain on a page
requires a full roundtrip to do the DNS lookup.

Initial Connection / Connecting

Time it took to establish a connection, including TCP
handshakes/retries and negotiating a SSL.


Time spent completing a SSL handshake.

Request Sent / Sending

Time spent issuing the network request. Typically a fraction of a

Waiting (TTFB)

Time spent waiting for the initial response, also known as the Time To
First Byte. This time captures the latency of a round trip to the
server in addition to the time spent waiting for the server to deliver
the response.

Content Download / Downloading

Time spent receiving the response data.

stall 延迟 一般是dns pac脚本 tcp握手等耗时
request sent 发送请求,上传文件的话会耗时较长
waiting 请求发送完毕到接收到第一个字节的内容(网络延时+服务器处理耗时) time to first byte
content download 下载内容耗时
