首页 > win32 sdk中lpv是什么前缀?

win32 sdk中lpv是什么前缀?

int SetDIBitsToDevice(
  _In_       HDC        hdc,
  _In_       int        XDest,
  _In_       int        YDest,
  _In_       DWORD      dwWidth,
  _In_       DWORD      dwHeight,
  _In_       int        XSrc,
  _In_       int        YSrc,
  _In_       UINT       uStartScan,
  _In_       UINT       cScanLines,
  _In_ const VOID       *lpvBits,   //就是这个
  _In_ const BITMAPINFO *lpbmi,
  _In_       UINT       fuColorUse

lpvBits [in] A pointer to the color data stored as an array of bytes. For more information, see the following Remarks section.


v表示void,pv就是pointer to void,也就是void*。类比下面那个lpb(pointer to bitmap)就知道了。
