首页 > caniuse里面的“LS”是什么意思


在caniuse上查询一些whatwg的标准,例如 fetch ,会在旁边显示一个绿色的图标,写着“LS”,然后连接写上(https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/),有没有人知道这个 LS 是什么意思?还有其他的图标吗?

跟w3c有关的WD,CR这些我是知道的。 http://www.w3ctech.com/topic/746

WHATWG组织维护的HTML"活动标准(living standard)",相对W3C的HTML标准要更为激进,并持续更新。

What does "Living Standard" mean?
The WHATWG specifications are described as Living Standards. This means that they are standards that are continuously updated as they receive feedback, either from Web designers, browser vendors, tool vendors, or indeed any other interested party. It also means that new features get added to them over time, at a rate intended to keep the specifications a little ahead of the implementations but not so far ahead that the implementations give up.

原文:What does "Living Standard" mean?
